What if the zipper of my dress bursts open and breaks while I’m in Norfolk? Prepared for a disaster, I’ve packed EVERYTHING and hopefully they will allow us on the train.
I’ll be reading Elizabeth Eslami’s Bone Worship on the journey, and I’m taking two other books. I know, excessive, but I can’t bear the thought of being book-less. I’ve also packed Godiva chocolates and peanuts because who knows if the hotel is equipped for major stress eating.
I’m looking forward to meeting the Candidates. At the moment there are eleven people in the running who want to participate in the TV pilot. They must be whittled down to six and, as a result of our panel’s probing, there will be one winner. At least I hope that’s how the Candidate will feel after working with us - like a winner. You never know…
Our director is funny, I mean really funny, so I’m practicing a poker face, a “very interested in what you’re saying” face and an “I’m here to help” face. These I shall rely upon when I feel that little bubble of hysteria forming.
I’ve one more thing to pack – nerves of steel. Where can I buy them at this hour? Please send suggestions.
I don’t know if I’ll have an opportunity to tweet and blog, but perhaps I should actually focus on what I’m doing. Imagine that.
So here we go to create

Good luck Kate I wait in anticipation for your next post xx